Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Save our House Sparrow and to bring it back to Neighborhoods

Birds need our help way more in the summer months than at any other time during the year because birds breed in the spring and early.
Many birds and other creatures die due to lack of water and food in summer pot dome water pots for thirsty birds AT Balcony/windows/Terrace save little ones

The elephant, Tiger, Ganges river dolphin , vulture magnificent creatures extinction makes us sad but did any one notice house sparrow is also vanishing? sparrows are slowly being wiped out as malls and apartment buildings come up and trees cut down . Sparrows are as important to our ecology system as tigers.
Every morning am searching asking my friends if they see a sparrow they say non , Sparrows are shy, elusive creatures. They feed only in the morning hours and are then mostly invisible during the day, hence the necessity to view them before 8 am ,it’s been a long since i saw one .

From childhood, sparrows have fascinated me immensely. During my childhood they were all over, in and around us. We had sparrows nesting everywhere in our home and in those days no one even minded them nesting inside the home. They were a part of the family .In fact, for the past 10,000 years sparrows have been companions to humans. They have evolved with us over a period of time and are an important and integral part of human-associated landscapes.
Five years ago, when I came across a article on the decline of house sparrows in the UK, I started investigating their status in India. I came to know we have never counted our sparrows and other common birds and there are no conservation initiatives, or will, both in the scientific community as well as at the government .Wish I work towards the conservation of house sparrows. I'm not sure how much success I will be in educating people about conservation of sparrows .All these years my family has been the biggest support in this entire journey till today. Our whole family has gotten involved in some way or the other and without them a lot of this would not have been possible .They believed in me when the whole world laughed and called me crazy, because I work with birds and stray animal rescue and not tigers. 
What has not changed is me and what needs to be changed is the attitude of the conservationist and citizens to work on common species like sparrows . What I really want people to do is to make other species also glamorous. I want more people to come forward like Mr.Mohammed Dilawars to take up one species and work relentlessly to make it as popular as sparrows.
Mr.Mohammed Dilawars

I want people to come up to me and say I want to work for Sparrow or the house lizard. This is when the real change will happen.Else, it will be the same old story that only Amazing species like tigers get all the conservation attention and resources.
Changing this mentality is something which is the most important challenge for me. I will change one day .Adopt my sparrow home.

As the habitat and food is shrinking, so are the numbers of house sparrows. Hence, we want people to take part in the creation of alternative habitats for house sparrows by adopting nest boxes and bird feeders.

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