Thursday, 17 April 2014

The God

All of us experience periods of spiritual dryness or desolation, times when God seems distant or absent altogether. And when we or others are suffering physically or emotionally, we are bound to cry. It is part of the human experience. Yet, if there is no hope, why do we cry out, and to whom?
The absence of hope brings death. Hope in the midst of suffering can redeem it and restore life in ways we cannot begin to imagine. God is not distant or absent from our lives. If that were the case, we would simply cease to be.

The floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, They’re calling it an act of God. They say it is power itself. You can’t stop it.
You can only get out of its way. It doesn’t play favorites. It doesn’t show mercy. It wrecks everything it touches. Homes destroyed, possessions lost, Lives have been forever changed. Is this an act of God?

Yesterday I saw love in action. I’m calling it an act of God. Because it is power itself. You can’t stop it.But you can participate in it.It doesn’t play favorites. It gives strength and shows mercy. It brings safety and healing to everything it touches. People saved, shelter shared. Families have been brought together. This, this is an act of God.

After natural disaster its amazing to see heroes, the selflessness of heroes in time of need. Men , women and Dogs specially whose accomplishments are hidden from the world. Men who cut through a floor to save an elderly couple, Hiding in a crawlspace with their home on top of them, Just minutes after the storm had passed. Families who go hours before finding out their home is gone,. A homeless Millionaire , stealing a moment to hold his wife, Taking an opportunity to hug his children, People praying, crying, hurting, helping, serving, holding, who don’t believe in god curses god for sure .
Love is not self-seeking. It always hopes, always trusts, always perseveres. Its compassion  ,Love never fails.
                         In the midst of tragedy, where is God? He is everywhere “Good karma God saved your from Death ,Bad karma God left you to suffer “ There is God.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Save our House Sparrow and to bring it back to Neighborhoods

Birds need our help way more in the summer months than at any other time during the year because birds breed in the spring and early.
Many birds and other creatures die due to lack of water and food in summer pot dome water pots for thirsty birds AT Balcony/windows/Terrace save little ones

The elephant, Tiger, Ganges river dolphin , vulture magnificent creatures extinction makes us sad but did any one notice house sparrow is also vanishing? sparrows are slowly being wiped out as malls and apartment buildings come up and trees cut down . Sparrows are as important to our ecology system as tigers.
Every morning am searching asking my friends if they see a sparrow they say non , Sparrows are shy, elusive creatures. They feed only in the morning hours and are then mostly invisible during the day, hence the necessity to view them before 8 am ,it’s been a long since i saw one .

From childhood, sparrows have fascinated me immensely. During my childhood they were all over, in and around us. We had sparrows nesting everywhere in our home and in those days no one even minded them nesting inside the home. They were a part of the family .In fact, for the past 10,000 years sparrows have been companions to humans. They have evolved with us over a period of time and are an important and integral part of human-associated landscapes.
Five years ago, when I came across a article on the decline of house sparrows in the UK, I started investigating their status in India. I came to know we have never counted our sparrows and other common birds and there are no conservation initiatives, or will, both in the scientific community as well as at the government .Wish I work towards the conservation of house sparrows. I'm not sure how much success I will be in educating people about conservation of sparrows .All these years my family has been the biggest support in this entire journey till today. Our whole family has gotten involved in some way or the other and without them a lot of this would not have been possible .They believed in me when the whole world laughed and called me crazy, because I work with birds and stray animal rescue and not tigers. 
What has not changed is me and what needs to be changed is the attitude of the conservationist and citizens to work on common species like sparrows . What I really want people to do is to make other species also glamorous. I want more people to come forward like Mr.Mohammed Dilawars to take up one species and work relentlessly to make it as popular as sparrows.
Mr.Mohammed Dilawars

I want people to come up to me and say I want to work for Sparrow or the house lizard. This is when the real change will happen.Else, it will be the same old story that only Amazing species like tigers get all the conservation attention and resources.
Changing this mentality is something which is the most important challenge for me. I will change one day .Adopt my sparrow home.

As the habitat and food is shrinking, so are the numbers of house sparrows. Hence, we want people to take part in the creation of alternative habitats for house sparrows by adopting nest boxes and bird feeders.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


I’m  born in a Viswakarma Brahman Acharya family . growing up was not so simple,at the age of seven learning what is   Vedas - which really didn't go in to my head it was clear to my family that ill not become a perfect Brahman. my grandparents thought me  philosophical systems of Adi Sankaraacharya .my father thought me about Buddhism the word called "compassion-care and love towards speechless animals, it really worked. I’m here today serving speechless ones .
I remember asking a Question to my mother at the age of eight .who provides food to all the animals and birds in this universe we just feed my dog and other pets .what about others there are so-many birds and animals out side ?
Mum said lord Shiva blows his Shank-ham and plays his   Damaru which is twisted in one revolution, it often makes the sounds of three successive tones. The sounds that Lord Shiva made with His Damaru will be a call to all the speechless ones in this universe "its dinner time and she also said without lords Shiva’s wish  even a Grass will not be grown on the land" .

Shank-ham" comes from the two Sanskrit words "Shum" which means something good and the "Kham" meaning water. Hence the meaning of "Shankam" is "The conch holding the sacred water".

 panchanana or fiveheaded shiva

Lord Shiva then performed his famous dance–Tandav for the first time to bring Kali back to consciousness. He was accompanied by all the Ghosts and spirits

Lord Shiva making medicine 

The Mantra-
"Shankham chandrakadaivatwam kukshouvaruna daivatam
prusthe prajapatirdaiva mugre ganga saraswati
Pruthivyam yani teerthani vasudevasyachagyaya
Shankhe tisthanti viprendra tasmat shankham prapoojyayet"

Immortals of Meluha Mr. Amish Tripathi .Stop spreading false story of Lord Shiva.
This book Immortals of Meluha and the series of books is the slaughter of the cult of Shiva with utter disrespect and irresponsibility, its the death of a very deep rooted faith.The rules of Shiva faith are strong and any follower of this cult will know how true they are. Shiva is not an inferior barbarian who is illiterate or ignorant. Shiva is a concept, one that speaks of truth, wisdom, profound knowledge, freedom and fearlessness. If the author remotely understood this, he wouldn't even start to write this book.Mount Kailash and Mansarovar are sacred to the cult of Shiva, sacred to the faith called Shaivism. Hence twisting the story to say that he was forced out of there is a completely wrong thing to do. Just as Vaikuntam is sacred to Lord Vishnu, Kailash is sacred to Lord Shiva and no one should even attempt to change this. And readers of such books should not tolerate an author attempting to twist facts specially when he has no idea about the core of this religion and is a complete ignoramus himself.
I have just one advice to give you - If you want to know about Shaivism, this book is not the place you should look for it.

This inspired me to write about lord Shiva .

I bow to Shiva, who has been worshipped with water from the Ganga and anointed with sandalwood paste, the lord of Nandi, the lord of the host of goblins and ghosts, the great lord, who is worshiped with Mandara (Datura )many other kinds of flowers, and who is represented by the syllable “ma. ”

"Mandakini salila chandana charchitaya ,Nandishvara pramathanatha Maheshvaraya,Mandarapushpa bahupushhpa supujitaya,Tasmai Makaraya Namah Shivaya"

Shiva, who wears the king of snakes as a garland, the three-eyed god, whose body is smeared with ashes, the great lord, the eternal and pure one, who wears the animal skin as his garment, and who is creator of the universe

The epic story of Mahadeshwara describes the life and miracles of the saint. The outer structure of the epic resembles the pan-Indian Ramayana : Shiva incarnates himself on earth as Mahadeshwara to destroy an evil king called Shravanasura "The Hero as Saviour". The epic has seven parts . Shiva-Male Mahadeshwara Swamy was moving on a tiger known as Huli Vahana (Tiger as a vehicle) and performed a number of miracles around the hills to save the people and saints living there. The Lord Sri Mahadeshwara's miracles are beautifully sung by the village folk in Janapada Style.

According to legends, Lord Shiva - Mahadeshwara was born in the kaliyuga to a fair colored virgin woman known as Uttarajamma. In his boyhood, he has spiritually guided by then pontiff of Suttur Mutt and Kunthur Mutt. The young saint is supposed to have come from Srishaila to this part of the state. He is said to have performed several miracles in his life, in these places. Afterwards he went to the hillside. It is a dense forest area surrounded by seventy seven hills in seven circles. It was not a safe place for human habitation. It was about six centuries ago that the young saint went in to the forest area, to save the saints who were performing penance and were taken captive by an evil king known as Shravana who possessed abundant black magic power. Apart from this there were tribes living here and there in small groups who were devoid of any rays of human civilization. It is said that the Lord Sri Mahadeshwara destroyed the black magic power of Shravana and got released the saints who were in his prison. The place where they were kept in prison is also a holy place, called Thavasere and the place where Shravana lived is called Shravana Boli.

In the beginning, the Universe was covered with darkness, the universe was filled with darkness, the universe was only darkness. There were no sun, no moon ,no stars nor anything at that time. No little patch of fire, air, water, ether existed at that time. There was only emptiness. Emptiness everywhere. At that time 'sath' existed. Sath had no shape, no color, no personality. It was neither big nor small. Briefly, Sath is Satyam"the truth". It is the knowledge, happiness and other emotions.

The shapeless Brahma evolved according to the wishes. It turned into a Jyothirlingam. This Lingam was known as the Brahmandam"the Universe". This andam split and then began the inception of the nondestructive 'Virat Pursh'. He/she was the only thing existed at that time. He/she existed everywhere. He/she had many faces and eyes in every direction. He/she could see without eyes and hear without ears. It was impossible to see him/her in full form.

This NirakaraRupa(formless) ParaBrahma, after many yugas, wished for something else. He/she wished for the evolution of millions from one. At that moment, he/she decided to be in a form by using his/her own powers. That idol was with all greatness, all knowledge and was a God figure for everyone. Parabrahma without a body-and that idol is Lord 'SadaSiva'.
At one time, Siva and ParaSakti became close as husband and wife. Being happy, they wished for something. To create someone to do the job of 'Creation'. With these thoughts Siva with Shakti applied Amritam on the ten organs of the left side of his own body. After sometime, from that part, born a person who is handsome of all three worlds and with the goodness of million suns.

That great man worn a crown of gold. The beauty of his body was challenging to all ruby and emeralds. Covered with jewelery and ornaments, he worn a robe made up of gold. He has strong hands and eyes resembling to lotus. He existed everywhere, therefore he came to be known as Vishnu.

At the time of creation, nature entered Vishnu. Greatness was made and pride evolved from it. Pride split into Emotions, Brilliance and Anger. From the anger, sky was evolved, from the sky air was evolved, from the air fire was evolved and from the fire water was evolved. Vishnu brought consciousness to the five elements. Vishnu's vigor was thrown out in water. This vigor is known to be the 'Life'.

First of all, Hinduism teaches monotheism, the absolute Nirakara Rupa Parabrahma being classified into different forms or avatars like waves in the ocean. Lord Shiva is one of it.  Therefore, he can supposed to be a personification of a form of energy required for act of destruction, scientifically speaking. Lord Shiva is then part of the absolute, you cannot tell which yuga he lived because he is always living. It's like asking in which year did kinetic energy exist?.
If you are asking in the context of Puranas, then, Lord Shiva didnt die to be said 'lived'. Unlike Gods such as Sri Ram, Krishna etc who are avatars or human forms of God, some superior Gods such as BrahmaDev, Vishnu and Shiva live forever until the cycle of life ends and they get reborn. I will give you his time span. Lord Shiva lives upto 400 BrahmaDev Years. And how long is 1 year of Brahma, u may ask...
4,320,000,000 human years = 1 Chatur Yuga of Devas. 1000 Chatur Yugas = 1 Maha Yuga
 1 Maha Yuga is also collection of the four Yugas - Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.
1 Maha Yuga = 1 day(excluding night) of Brahma
In 1 day(1 Maha Yuga) of Brahma, he does the divine job of creation with the help of 14 Manus one by one. By this calculation, in the present, 6 Manus have done their job. Right now, the seventh Manu called Vaivaswadan is helping Brahma for creation. Everything that Brahma created a day will be destroyed at the time of dusk.
Brahma has a life span of 100 years. Once he dies, a new Brahma will be born. It is said that millions of Brahma has already born and died earlier.
It is also said that 14 Indras will born and die one by one in each Brahma’s life.
Currently, we are all in the 1st day of the 51st year of Brahma and 6 Manus have done their job.
 So, Shiva is actually above the yugas. Yugas are timescale of our world and Lord Shiva is beyond that.

Thanks to 
My grand father  Sri Gangadhar Acharya and Late Sri Huli Madhvacharya